Importing a folder

  1. In the tree view, select the parent folder where you want to import content.
  2. Right-click and select Import from the context menu.
  3. Select the file to import from the local drive; this must be a ZIP file that is created by exporting folder content from the Process Intelligence application.
    The imported content is added as a subfolder to the selected folder.

    As an administrator, you can also import a ZIP file as a main folder. This functionality is explained in the Infor Process Intelligence Administration Guide.

If duplicate content is found during import, a dialog is displayed indicating that you must select one of these options:

  • Merge: Imported BPMN Models and Processes Maps are added as a new version on top of existing models. Other content such as folders, registry entries, custom-attribute definitions is merged with existing content. Duplicate values are overwritten. Local content is not deleted.
  • Overwrite: Imported BPMN Models and Processes Maps are added as version 1 for existing models. Previous versions are removed. Other duplicate content is overwritten. Models and sub-folders from the local main folder that do not exist in the import file are removed. The registry content from the import file is merged with the local content.
  • Smart Merge: Imported BPMN Models and Processes Maps are added as a new version on top of existing models. Other duplicate content is merged with the local content, and duplicate values are overwritten. Models and sub-folders from the local main folder that do not exist in the import file are removed. The registry content from the import files is merged with the local content.

The table below details the differences for each import option:

Content Type On Merge On Overwrite On Smart Merge
Main Folders Folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

New folders from the import file are added.

Folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

New folders from the import file are added.

Folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

New folders from the import file are added.

Sub-folders Sub-folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

Sub-folders that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New sub-folders from the import file are added.

Sub-folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

Sub-folders that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

New sub-folders from the import file are added.

Sub-folders that already exist are updated with the information from the import file (for example: icon).

Sub-folders that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

New sub-folders from the import file are added; a warning is added to the import report file if empty folders were added.

BPMN Models For BPMN Models that already exist, a new version is added on top of the current model, with status Approved.

BPMN Models that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New BPMN Models from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

BPMN Models that already exist are replaced with the model from the import file; their version number is set to 1 and their status to Approved.

BPMN Models that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

New BPMN Models from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

For BPMN Models that already exist, a new version is added on top of the current model, with status Approved.

BPMN Models that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

Note: This also removes entries from defaultCategory that are used by these models.

New BPMN Models from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

Process Maps For Process Maps that already exist, a new version is added on top of the current model, with status Approved.

Process Maps that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New Process Maps from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

Process Maps that already exist are replaced with the model from the import file; their version number is set to 1 and their status to Approved.

Process Maps that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

New Process Maps from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

For Process Maps that already exist, a new version is added on top of the current model, with status Approved.

Process Maps that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are removed.

Note: This also removes entries from defaultCategory that are used by these models.

New Process Maps from the import file are added with version 1 and status Approved.

Related Documents Related Document references are part of the models, and they are updated when the model is updated, according to the latest version of the diagram from the import file.

New file attachments from the import file are added to IDM.

Related Document references from previous versions are left unchanged.

Related Document references are part of the models, and they are updated when the model is updated, according to the new version 1.

New file attachments from the import file are added to IDM.

Note: Related documents stored in IDM and referenced from removed models are not deleted because they could be used in other models.
Related Document references are part of the models, and they are updated when the model is updated, according to the latest version of the diagram from the import file.

New file attachments from the import file are added to IDM.

Related Document references from previous versions are left unchanged.

Categories For existing categories, new entries from the import file are added; local entries that do not exist in the import file are left as they are.

New categories from the import file are added.

Other categories that are not used by models or configuration from the import file are left as they are.

For existing categories, new entries from the import file are added; local entries that do not exist in the import file are left as they are.

New categories from the import file are added.

Other categories that are not used by models or configuration from the import file are left as they are.

For existing categories, new entries from the import file are added; local entries that do not exist in the import file are left as they are.

New categories from the import file are added.

Other categories that are not used by models or configuration from the import file are left as they are.

If a process model from the import file has used free-typed text labels, a sub-category with the name of this model was created in the defaultCategory. This sub-category is removed if:

  • The process model (BPMN Model or Process Map) was removed.
  • This subcategory became empty after the import of the updated version.
Registry Entries Registry entries’ translations from the import file are merged with the existing entries as follows:
  • Local translations are overwritten with the translations from the import file for the same language.
  • Local translations that do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.
  • New translations from the import file are added.

New registry entries from the import file are added.

Local registry entries that are not present in the import file are left unchanged.

Registry entries’ translations from the import file are merged with the existing entries as follows:
  • Local translations are overwritten with the translations from the import file for the same language.
  • Local translations that do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.
  • New translations from the import file are added.

New registry entries from the import file are added.

Local registry entries that are not present in the import file are left unchanged.

Registry entries’ translations from the import file are merged with the existing entries as follows:
  • Local translations are overwritten with the translations from the import file for the same language.
  • Local translations that do not exist in the import file are removed.
  • New translations from the import file are added.

New registry entries from the import file are added.

Local registry entries that are not present in the import file are left unchanged.

Note: Registry entries smart merge affects all places where the registry entry is used, so also version 1 of the existing models. For example, if version 1 uses registry entry with title “Process A,“ and the model with version 2 is imported and updated with registry entry “Process A," after import, version 1 will also show “Process A."
Custom Attribute Definitions Custom attribute definitions for the same attribute name are overwritten with the information from the import file.

Custom attribute definitions that do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New custom attribute definitions from the import file are added.

Custom attribute definitions for the same attribute name are overwritten with the information from the import file.

Custom attribute definitions that do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New custom attribute definitions from the import file are added.

Custom attribute definitions for the same attribute name are overwritten with the information from the import file.

Custom attribute definitions that do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

New custom attribute definitions from the import file are added.

Navigation Configuration

Existing configuration for the same application name is left unchanged.

New navigation configuration from the import file is added.

Existing configuration for the same application name is left unchanged.

New navigation configuration from the import file is added.

Existing configuration for the same application name is left unchanged.

New navigation configuration from the import file is added.

Permissions Permissions are not included in the PI archive file; they are left unchanged. Permissions are not included in the PI archive file; they are left unchanged. Permissions are not included in the PI archive file; they are left unchanged.