Comparing BPMN Models

Use the Compare BPMN models tool to view a list of differences between two versions of BPMN Models. You can start the visual comparison tool from the folder tiles view by selecting the Compare option for a BPMN Model tile, or from inside the BPMN Modeler by clicking the Compare Models icon from the toolbar, or from the Version History widget on the BPMN Modeler right panel.

The tool has two panels on the left and right where the BPMN diagrams to be compared are shown. The differences are shown in the panel at the bottom. You can also download a list of changes as a CSV file, by clicking the download button from the toolbar.

To compare two versions of the same BPMN model, follow these steps:

  1. Open a BPMN model with multiple versions. Open the right panel to see the version history.
  2. Select one version that you would like to compare. By default, the latest version is selected.
  3. Hover over other versions and notice that the Compare versions button is shown. Click this button when it is highlighted for the second version that you would like to compare.
  4. In the visual comparison tool, observe the differences between the two versions.

To compare two versions of any two BPMN models, follow these steps:

  1. Start the Compare BPMN Models tool for a model from the tiles view or from the BPMN Modeler toolbar. By default, the latest version of this model is shown in the ride side panel. Click Select Model to select another version.
  2. On the left side panel, click Select Model to select another BPMN Model and version to which to compare. You can select a model from the local folder tree structure or a model from the standard Infor content.
  3. To select a BPMN model from the standard Infor content, turn on the Browse Infor Industry Process Catalog switch. You can browse and select models from the IPCs for which you have an entitlement. For these models, there is only one approved version that can be selected.
  4. Click Apply to return to the visual comparison tool and see the comparison results.

These types of differences are detected and highlighted in the comparison tool:

  • BPMN Model name
  • Elements added or removed
  • Element name or description changed
  • Element type changed (for example IT System, Task or Element types)
  • Layout changes such as size and position