Importing a custom insight

To import a custom insight:

  1. Click the import icon on the Process Insights Overview page toolbar.
  2. Select the file to import from the local drive; this must be a .zip file that is created by exporting insight content from the Process Mining application.
    The imported content is added as an insight(s) in the tenant.
    Note: If duplicate content is found during the import, the duplicate content in the destination is overwritten by the new content as follows:
    • Insights that already exist are updated with information from the import file by removing previous information.
    • New insights from the import file are added.
    • Insights that exist locally but do not exist in the import file are left unchanged.

    If duplicate content from the process modeler is found during import, it is merged with the content from the import file. See Importing a folder to know more about the conflict resolution in Process Modeler.