Reorganizing registry entries

Use the reorganize registry entries wizard to redistribute registry entries into a new registry structure based on a predefined category mapping.

The reorganization script generates the new registry structure by using predefined parent categories that are based on either element type or business attribute name and subcategories that are associated with main folder names as part of the wizard configuration. Subsequently, it moves the registry entries used in process models from the mapped folders into their corresponding subcategories, as follows:

  • Registry entries used for diagrams, elements, and business attributes are moved to their corresponding categories according to the predefined mapping and assigned subcategories.
  • If an entry is used by two models from folders assigned with different subcategories, the entry is duplicated for each subcategory.
  • If the same entry from different categories must be moved into the same subcategory, only one instance is kept and its translations are merged.
  • When an entry is moved from the defaultCategory into the new registry structure, it is now considered a shared entry. To edit this entry from the BPMN Modeler or the Process Map Designer, users must use the edit button in the attribute value input field.
  • When an entry is moved from the defaultCategory into the new registry structure, its name is updated by removing the UUID suffix.
  • If an entry with the same name (for example: “entry“) exists several times and it cannot be merged because of differences in its contents and usage, update the name using counters: “entry (1)“, “entry (2)”.
  • Categories that become empty after reorganization are removed.

The script execution does not affect locked content delivered by Infor and registry entries used in the definition of custom attributes. When organizing local content, it is recommended to use folder names and category names that are not the same as the names used in Infor standard content to prevent the local content from becoming locked after a future delivery of an Industry Process Catalog.

Note: Before running the registry reorganization script, it is recommended to run the “Rebuild defaultCategory” script first. Also, to keep a backup of the existing content, it is recommended to create an export file of the folder to be reorganized. The reorganize action cannot be undone.