Adding a custom attribute
- Navigate to Configuration > Custom Attributes.
- Click + Add to a add a new attribute to the list.
On the Attribute Definition panel, specify the attribute
name, label, value type, UI type and validations.
Specify these properties on the Attribute Definition panel:
- Name
- This is the custom attribute identifier. A custom attribute name must be unique for the current tenant and must not contain spaces, capital letters, or special characters /, <,>. The name must not have already been used as an attribute in Process Maps and BPMN Models.
- Label
- This is the label to be shown in the BPMN Modeler and Process Map Designer as the custom attribute name. This label is shown in design mode and presentation mode in the language of the current user, if a translation is available. To specify a label, type in a value or select an entry from the Registry. For more information about working with translations, see Process Designer > Content Translation in the Infor Processing Intelligence User Guide.
- Value Type
- This is the data type for this custom attribute. Depending on the value type selected, the available options for the UI Type and the corresponding Validations are updated.
- UI Type
- This is the UI control to be used to input a value specific to the selected value type.
- Validations
- These are additional details specific to the selected Value Type and UI Type. The validations selected here are applied during modeling. For example, the default value for a custom attribute can be predefined here.
Value Type UI Type Validations Boolean Check box Default Value Decimal Decimal input Min Value Max Value
Default Value
Allow empty value
Integer Numeric input Min Value Max Value
Default Value
Allow empty value
String Single line text Max Length Allow empty value
String Rich text Max Length Allow empty value
String Drop down Options Default Value
Allow empty value
Note:- For attributes with a decimal value, the decimal separator used in design mode is the dot. In presentation mode, the user’s locale is used, and the appropriate decimal separator is used to display the value. The precision determines how many decimal places you can use.
- If a Default Value is specified, this value is displayed for the custom attribute in design mode and in presentation mode, unless a designer has specified another value in a particular model.
- If the Allow empty value switch is off, it is mandatory to specify a value for this custom attribute. This can be a non-empty default value or a value that the designer user must specify during modeling.
- For a String Value Type and Drop down UI Type, the Options property must contain the name of a category from the Registry. When this custom attribute is displayed in design mode with a drop-down control to select a value, the available options are the list of all entry titles from the specified category.
- On the Bindings panel, specify whether this attribute may be used in Process Maps and BPMN Models at the diagram level and/or one or more element types by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
- Click Save.