Modeling configuration

Use the Modeling Configuration section to set up the application for content development.

On the Categories, Images, and Navigation Configuration screens, the administrator prepares Registry data that can be shared in several models.

The Registry serves as a central repository of artifacts that can be reused when you model diagrams in Process Map Designer and BPMN Modeler.

Standard Infor content delivered as the Infor Process Catalog contains process models organized in folders and registry data. The standard content is locked for editing, as follows:

  • Folders and the process models they contain are locked in Process Designer
  • Registry categories and the entries they contain are locked
  • Image libraries and the images they contain are locked
  • Navigation configuration is not locked as you may need to update the logical ID to make it work on your tenant

In the case of registry categories, certain main categories are partially locked. In this case you can import and export unlocked content for these categories. See also “Working with locked categories” from the Infor Process Intelligence User Guide.

The following content is not delivered as Infor standard content and, therefore, is not locked:

  • Custom Attribute Definitions
  • Permissions