
Gateway Health Check

Solution: To check if the ION API Gateway is running and responding to requests, you can enter this URL into the browser’s address bar: https://{hostname}:{port}/ionapi/info

Replace {Hostname} with the host name of the ION API environment you are checking.

Replace {Port} with the port of the ION API environment you are checking.

If ION API Gateway is running properly, then a small bit of JSON giving the version number of the ION API software and other details is returned. For example,
{"name": "ion-apis-server","version": "12.0.13", "build": "806","svn": "815", "environment": "NODE_ENV:production; DEBUG:; IONAPI:" } 

If you do not receive this response, then double-check the URL you are using. If you are sure the URL is correct, then check that the ion-apis-server service is running.

Make sure Node.js is installed

Note: This applies only to on-premises installations.

Solution: To check that Node.js is installed and working correctly, open a Windows CMD.exe prompt and enter this command: node –v

The Node.js version number should display, for example, 0.10.37. If the version number does not display, there is problem with the Node.js installation that must be fixed. You can correct this by re-installing the ION API Gateway.

Make Sure ION API Gateway Windows service is running

Note: This applies only to on-premises installations.

Solution: To check that the ion-apis-server Windows service is running specify this command: nssm64 edit ion-apis-server

If the service is not running, specify this command to start the service: nssm64 start ion-apis-server

If the service immediately reports that it has entered the paused state, then something is wrong and needs to be diagnosed and fixed. The Windows Event log may have messages indicating why the service failed to start, but in most cases it will not.

To discover the problem, you can run ION API Gateway directly without using the NSSM64 service wrapper. This can be done by changing to the installation folder, which is typically: CD “C:\program files\infor\mingle\components\ionapi\iongateway” node bin\launch

If there is a problem, the gateway will fail to start, and one or more error messages will be displayed on the console. Some typical problems might be: •

  • Port number in use

    ION API Gateway uses port 8443 by default, but this is overridden by a value it receives from the backend service. Make sure the selected port is not in use by some other service.

  • Improper configuration settings

    Ensure that there are no @xxx@ placeholders in the config/production .json file. Check that the “MCC” URL, key, and Secret settings are correct near the bottom of the file.

You can also check the start, stop, and check the state of the ion-apis-server service via the Windows services.msc snap-in. It is important that the service be marked to start automatically.