Go applications

Go programming language (Golang) provides a package golang.org/x/oauth2 to implement the OAuth2.0 protocol.

Make OAuth 2.0 configuration

The first step is to define a configuration. A reference to downloaded credentials properties is used in all code examples.

conf := &oauth2.Config{
       ClientID:     <Application ClientID>,
       ClientSecret: <Application Client-Secret>,
       Scopes: []string{
              "openid profile",
       Endpoint: oauth2.Endpoint{
              AuthURL:  <pu> + <oa>,
              TokenURL: <pu> + <ot>,

Obtain tokens

Now you are ready to obtain tokens. Token struct in Go contains both access and refresh tokens.

tok, err := conf.PasswordCredentialsToken(oauth2.NoContext, <Service Account AccessKey>, <Service Account SecretKey>)
if err != nil {
       // handle error

Create HTTP client and make a request

The OAuth 2.0 configuration struct also has a method to create the HTTP client.

client := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext, tok)
resp, err := client.Get(<Request URL>)
if err != nil {
       // handle error
Note: You do not need to refresh the token manually; the client does it automatically.

Revoke tokens

The package does not provide methods to revoke any token. You can call the revoke service directly.

resp, err := http.Get(<pu> + <or> + "?token=" + tok.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
       // handle error