Interpreting the Enterprise Connector status
For ION API service and the Enterprise Connector errors and warnings, messages are color coded to indicate the status:
- Green: Modeling can continue.
- Yellow: Modeling can continue, but one of the dependent components has an issue that can be fixed offline and the API will work.
- Red: Prerequisites are not met so modeling cannot continue:
This information provides a more detailed explanation of the error or warning status:
HB: OK -> Icon: Green -> Tooltip: EC running, EC version supports hybrid services, ION service running
HB: Pending -> Icon: Green -> Tooltip: Hybrid Service installation is pending
HB: Unknown -> Icon: Green -> Tooltip: Hybrid Service not available
HB: Error/Not Ok -> Icon: Red -> Tooltip: Hybrid Service not running, EC version supports hybrid service
Icon: Yellow -> Tooltip: EC not running
Icon: Red -> Tooltip: Please install EC first -> Extra functionality: Disable save button, disable suite
Icon: Red -> Tooltip: Please upgrade EC to latest version - > Extra functionality: Disable save button, disable suite