Common terms

Identity translation
Localization of the user identity claim (Identity2) while crossing network boundaries.
User Impersonation
Allowing an authorized app to make API calls on behalf of a different user.
Multi-Tenant (MT)
Infor cloud-based architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers. Each customer is called a tenant.
Single-Tenant (ST)
In single-tenant architecture, the tenant purchases a copy of the software. Infor Single Tenant usually refers to an on-premises installation hosted on the Infor Cloud.
On-Premises (OP)
A single-tenant architecture, where the tenant purchases a copy of the software and the software is installed at the customer’s premises.
ION API Bridge
An ION API Target security method that allows for a bridge solution.
ION API Bridge Subject
A user property from the authorized app side of the bridge, to be matched with the cross reference on the target endpoint side of the bridge.
ION API Bridge Cross reference (XRC)

A user property in the target endpoint side of the bridge, to be matched with the subject on the authorized app side of the bridge.