In your single-tenant/on-premises ION API

  1. Select Available APIs from the ION API menu.
  2. Click the add icon (+).
  3. Click the create new icon (+).
  4. Complete these fields:
    • Application Name
    • Suite Name
    • Description
    • API Context
    • Choose an icon
  5. Click the add endpoint icon (+).
    1. Paste the endpoint copied previously as Target Endpoint URL.
    2. Complete these fields:
      • Target Endpoint Description
      • Proxy Endpoint URL
      • Choose Proxy Security
  6. Under Target Endpoint Security:
    1. Select ION API Bridge Authentication Type.
    2. Select Load File and select the ION API Bridge Backend Service.ionapi file previously downloaded.
      These fields are populated:
      • Tenant ID
      • Application Name
      • Client ID
      • Client Secret
      • OAuth2 Authorization Server URL
      • OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint
      • OAuth2 Token Endpoint
      • OAuth2 Revoke Endpoint
      • Scope
      • Environment
      • Version
      • Service Account Access Key
      • Service Account Secret Key
      • Key ID
      • Cross Reference
  7. Select Subject Type.
    Note: This is the ION API Bridge subject and will be matched against the cross reference (XRC).
  8. Click Save. Your ION API Bridge solution is now configured successfully.