Search Results

Search Results display:

  • API suite – the suite of the requested transaction
  • Path – the last part of the path in which the request was made, starting with /{Tenant}/{API Context}/{Endpoint}/{Resource}
  • Request ID – each request is assigned an ID in GUID format
  • User name – the name of the user who made the request, if available
  • Service account – the ID of the service account that made the request, if available
  • Response time – the total round trip time the request was handled by the gateway (in milliseconds)
  • Request time stamp – the gateway time stamp at the time the request was received

You can filter your search results:

  • Success – transactions that successfully completed
  • Failure – transactions that have a failure somewhere in the request and response round trip

You can sort your search results:

  • Time stamp ascending – oldest results first
  • Time stamp descending (default) – newest results first
  • Response time ascending – shortest response time first
  • Response time descending – longest response time first

Clicking a search result displays the transaction details of that request.