Adding an endpoint
This is available only for non-Infor API suites.
- Go to Available APIs in ION API.
- Click an API suite.
- Click Endpoints.
- Click Add Endpoint.
- Specify the Target Endpoint URL.
- If the application ignores certificate errors, click the Ignore Certificate Errors slider to ignore the certificate errors.
- Specify the Target Endpoint Description.
- If the application will use mutual SSL, click the Use Mutual SSL slider to enable mutual SSL. Enabling this setting adds the Key Password field and the Load Certificate button.
Specify an Authentication Type. The details displayed depend on your
- OAuth 1.0a
- Specify the Algorithm, Target Endpoint Access Key, and the Target Endpoint Secret Key.
- Anonymous
- No additional fields are displayed.
- API Key
- Provide the applicable Key Name and Key Value.
- AWS Signature
- Specify the AWS Access Key ID.
- Specify the AWS Secret Access Key.
- Specify the AWS Region.
- Specify the AWS Service.
- IONAPI Bridge
- For information on how to set up ION API bridge, see ION API bridge solution.
- JWT Target Authentication
- Specify the JWT Header.
- Specify the JWT Payload.
- Optionally, specify the token expiration in seconds.
- Use/Generate the new Key ID.
- Specify the algorithm from RS256, RS384, RS512.
- Optionally, specify any custom parameters.
- Basic
- Specify the User ID and Password.
- OAuth 2.0
- Specify the Token Endpoint and the Revoke Endpoint.
- Specify the Grant Type. The details
displayed depend on your selection:
- If you select Resource Owner, specify the Username, Password, Client ID, and Client Secret.
- If you select Client Credentials, specify the Client ID and the Client Secret.
- Sales Force
- Specify the Token Endpoint. This is prepopulated with but can be edited.
- Specify the Revoke Endpoint. This is prepopulated with but can be edited.
- Resource Owner is the only selection available for Grant Type.
- Specify the Username, Password, Client ID, and Client Secret.
- WS-Security Username Token
- Specify the User Name and Password.
- Specify the Proxy Endpoint URL.
- Specify the Proxy Security.
- Click Save.