Decrypt files after read

With this option you can decrypt files that are retrieved by Read scenarios that are defined in this File connector.

On runtime these tasks are executed during file decryption:

  • File matching with the file format template in Read scenario is received in the File connector.
  • The file is decrypted with an active private key from the list of all active private keys on the current tenant.
  • The decrypted file is processed by File connector, for example with the File format template.
  • The document is sent to the next step.

To use this option, you must complete this procedure:

  1. Ensure a PGP key pair is defined in Key Management.
    To create a new PGP key pair, see Infor ION User Guide.
  2. Export the public key from the PGP key pair.
  3. Share the public key with all parties that should be sending you encrypted files.
  4. Select the Decrypt Files After Read check box.