Specifying a new action for reading the database

  1. On the Documents tab, click Add.
  2. Select the scenario Read Database.
  3. Specify the statement to read the data.
    You can use stored procedures. The statement must provide an XML result set. The result set must either contain:
    • Single BOD DataArea (if a single BOD must be published).
    • Multiple BOD DataAreas (if multiple BODs must be published).

    Note that each DataArea must contain a single document instance. For example, when using SQL Server the statement can contain: EXEC GetItems;

    See "Custom Nouns" in the Infor ION User Guide.

  4. Click Test if the specified connection details are correct.
  5. If the document is already specified in ION Registry, select the Document.
  6. If the resulting document is not specified in theION registry, click Generate to generate the document metadata into the registry.
    A message is displayed with the result. You can adapt data types before the data is generated in the registry.
  7. Select one of the elements as the ID and click OK to generate the metadata.
    Note that if a custom document exists with the same name, the existing definition is overwritten.
    Note:  the generation invokes the statement (comparable to the Test action), to retrieve data. The metadata in the registry is generated based on the resulting data. Verify that the statement returns a complete and representative data set when using the Generate action.

    For example, if your test data only contains numeric values for a particular element, this element is specified as an Integer data type. You can change the data type to String if string values can occur for the same element. If the test data is incomplete or you must adapt the metadata, you can edit the generated metadata in the registry. See the Infor ION Technical Reference Guide (U9829US).

  8. Select the Verb to be used.
    Note: if you select the verb Process your database connection point can receive an Acknowledge reply. If this reply must be handled, add a new action Write Database to handle the Acknowledge for the same document. This is optional; if your database connection point does not handle the Acknowledge then it is ignored (deleted) in the ION Service
  9. Specify the schedule. This time interval determines how often the statement is invoked to retrieve documents from the database.
    You can either specify a basic schedule where the trigger is every 'x' seconds/ minutes/ hours/ days. Or specify an advance schedule based on a CRON expression.