Configuring an authorized app

Use this procedure to configure an API Gateway authorized app in your own API Gateway that grants access to a remote ION tenant.

This procedure is required if you plan to create an ION Network connection point that can receive documents. To receive documents, the direction for the connection point must be "Receive from Partner" or "Bidirectional".

To create a local API Gateway authorized app in API Gateway:

  1. Open API Gateway and select Authorized Apps.
  2. Create a new authorized app.
    Specify this information:
    Specify, for example, IONtoION_<partnername>.
    Select Backend Service.

    Specify, for example, ION to ION <Partner name>.

    Use Bridge Authentication
    Clear this check box.
    Enforce Scopes
    Clear this check box.
    User Impersonation
    Clear this check box.
    Oauth 2.0; Access Token
    Specify 2 hours.
    Issue Refresh Tokens
    Select True.
    Refresh Token Grant Lifetime
    Specify 0. The token never expires.
    Refresh Token Grant Lifetime
    Specify 0.
  3. Save the configuration.
  4. Download the credentials.
    Select Create Service Account.
  5. Download and save this authorized application credentials file credentials for this authorized application.