Changing active alarm templates

You can change these settings of an alarm template without deactivating it:

  • The alarm description that is displayed in the Alarms widget or mobile application.
  • The description of the template.
  • Add more attributes to the alarm template.
  • Add or remove security roles from the list of authorizations for this template.

Do not deactivate the alarm template if you only must change one of these settings. Deactivation can cause alarms to be forcefully stopped and miss alerts. When deactivating, application documents are ignored when the template is inactive. In case of major changes on the alarm template, such as removing attributes, you must first deactivate it.

Note: Existing active alarms go in Canceled state when you deactivate the related alarm template.

To change an alarm template without deactivation:

  1. Open the alarm template's detail page and make the required changes.
  2. Save the changes and return to the list of templates.
  3. Activate the changed template to apply the changes to the active alarm template in the ION Service.
    The changes are visible to the users of the Alarms widget or mobile application the next time they create an alarm for this template.
    Note: If you clone or re-use an alarm that was created with a previous version of an alert template. The alert does not contain the latest alert template changes.

    After authorizations for a template are removed, any running alarms can finish. You cannot clone alarms or create new alarms for a template for which authorizations are restricted.