Using the migrated decision matrix

To use the migrated decision matrix in the workflow model:

  1. Select Monitors & Workflows > Workflows.
  2. Open the workflow model that contains the decision matrix. If the workflow is active, you must deactivate it.
  3. Select the Decision Table step.
  4. In the Decision Table Properties panel, remove all rows of the Simple decision matrix.
  5. Clear all parameters to be selected or set.
  6. Select the Use Business Rules check box.
  7. Select the migrated matrix from the drop-down list of the “Decision matrix”.
    This matrix must be approved in the Business Rules.
  8. Specify the mappings for the matrix:
    1. Select the parameters in the matrix conditions as "input workflow parameter".
    2. The parameters that are set when the matrix is executed must be set as "Output workflow parameter”.
  9. Save and activate the workflow definition.