Replacing Enterprise Connector with a fresh installation

The Enterprise Connector only stores configuration data in its database. No transactional data is stored in the database. Therefore, if your Enterprise Connector installation, including its database, is corrupted, you can revive it by completing these steps:

  1. Prepare the installation.
    1. Ensure these settings or components are available:
    2. Create a new empty database or indicate that the Enterprise Connector installer must create a database.
    3. Ensure the correct JDK is installed.
  2. Perform the installation.
    1. Uninstall the old Enterprise Connector. You must run the uninstall command on each Enterprise Connector host.
    2. If you plan to re-use the database of the previous installation, delete the tables in that database before you start the new installation.
    3. Re-install the Enterprise Connector.
    4. Apply the location credentials.

      See Updating location credentials.

      During this process a message is displayed to inform you that the location is already in use. Use the Take Location option to transfer the ownership for the location to this Enterprise Connector.

    5. Where required, apply the additional configurations mentioned earlier in this procedure.
    6. Verify the correct working of the Enterprise Connector.
      Enterprise Connector connection points that are linked to its enterprise location should have connectivity now.