Importing codes from XML

  1. Select Configuration > Codes.
  2. Click Import.
    A dialog box is displayed to browse the file system.
  3. Select an xml file from the file system and click OK.
    All codes in the file are added to the list of ION Codes.
  4. If the file does not have the correct format, one of these error messages is displayed:
    • This file does not contain ION Codes
    • Invalid import contact your system administrator for details

    Only files that are exported from an ION installation can be used.

  5. Click OK. Nothing is imported.
  6. If the file contains code names that are the same as the codes that are already in the system, a warning is displayed. You are asked to select one of these actions:
    • Skip

      Duplicate codes are skipped, and logged as warnings in the result dialog box.

    • Rename

      Duplicate codes are renamed using '_' and a number, so the names are unique.