Adding distribution elements in the advanced configuration mode

To specify conditional distribution for an alert, task, or notification, first set the distribution list configuration mode to Advanced. In the advanced configuration mode, you can specify various conditions to be verified based on monitor attributes or workflow parameters, and which elements should be added to the distribution list based on conditions.

A distribution matrix contains these configuration areas:

  • The evaluation part with conditions for parameters to check. To add conditions, first some monitor attributes or workflow parameters must have been defined.
  • The distribution list part, with a distribution element for each conditional row.

To create the conditional distribution configuration:

  1. Add columns to the distribution matrix:
    1. Click to open the Parameters to Check drop-down-list box. A list of available parameters is displayed.
      Note: For monitors, the drop-down list box is called Attributes to Check.
    2. Select the parameter to be added. A new column, with the same name as the parameter, is added to the table. Repeat this step to add all parameters to be checked.
      Note: For monitor attributes, only the attributes that have single occurrence can be used in a conditional distribution configuration.
    3. To remove columns, click to open the Parameters to Check drop-down-list box and cancel the selection of the parameter names to be removed.
  2. Add rows to the distribution matrix using the + ADD button.
    Optionally, change the order of the rows by selecting one row and using the Move Row Up and Move Row Down buttons. The order of the rows does not influence the runtime behavior.
  3. On each row, edit the comparison conditions for each cell. A condition builder dialog with these choices is displayed:
    • Choices that are displayed in the Workflow Modeler:
      • Any Value
      • Parameter Comparison
      • Parameter Value Comparison
    • Choices that are displayed in the Monitors:
      • Any Value
      • Attribute Comparison
      • Attribute Value Comparison
      • Condition
    The Parameter Comparison/Attribute Comparison and Parameter Value Comparison/Attribute Value Comparison condition types are similar to the workflow or monitor conditions of the same type. If the Any Value condition type is used, the comparison always evaluates to True.
    You can use the Condition type to select a monitor condition that was previously defined for this monitor. You can select a condition of type Attribute Comparison or Attribute Value Comparison that is already defined for the attribute to check.
  4. All conditions specified in the cells on the same row are joined by logical AND implicitly. At evaluation time, the distribution table row evaluates to True if all comparison conditions on the same row evaluate to True.
  5. To set distribution elements, edit the last cell in each row. The Distribution Data dialog is displayed and you can select any distribution element. You can select only one distribution element for each row. After a type is selected, this cannot be changed later.
  6. At evaluation time, all rows that evaluate to True in the distribution matrix are used to add elements to the distribution list.
    • You can have several rows with different conditions, each with a distribution element. In this case only the elements for the conditions that are True are added to the distribution list.
    • You can have several rows with the same conditions and different distribution elements. In this case all distribution elements are added to the distribution list when the condition evaluates to True.
    • If a row with all conditions of type Any Value is included in the distribution table, the distribution element on this row is always added to the distribution list.
  7. Optionally, specify default distribution. This is used when none of the conditions evaluates to True.
Note: When using advanced distribution for monitors, you cannot use a monitor rule with multi-occurrence.