Combined condition

To evaluate several condition types simultaneously, create a combined condition. To combine all condition types, use the logical operators AND and OR.

The evaluation result of a combined condition is True or False, based on the evaluation results of the sub-conditions.

This table shows the syntax of a combined condition:

Syntax [Condition1] AND | OR [Condition2]
Note:  You can have more than two sub conditions in one combined condition. For example:

[Condition1] AND [Condition2] AND [Condition3]

Condition1 A condition that is already defined in the workflow definition.
Condition2 A condition that is already defined in the workflow definition.
Evaluation if AND is used The evaluation result is True if all conditions are True.
Evaluation if OR is used The evaluation result is True if at least one of the conditions is True.

This table shows the syntax of a nested combined condition:

Syntax [Condition1] AND | OR ([Combined Condition])
Condition1 A condition that is already defined in the workflow definition.
Combined Condition A combined condition that is already built using AND or OR, based on the list of conditions. Combined conditions that are reused are surrounded by round parentheses.
Evaluation The comparison conditions are evaluated first. The combined conditions that are marked by parentheses are then evaluated. The evaluation result is True or False.


This table shows an example of a combined condition:

Name Type Condition Description
SalesOrderShipped Parameter-Value Comparison SOStatus = Shipped Checks whether a sales order is shipped.
PartialShipment Parameter Comparison ShippedQuantity < OrderedQuantity Checks whether only part of the order was shipped.
DelayedShipment Parameter Comparison PromisedShipDateTime < ActualShipdateTime Checks whether the shipment was late.
PartialOrDelayed Combined Condition PartialShipment OR DelayedShipment Checks whether the shipment is partial or delayed.
PartialOrDelayedShipment Combined Condition SalesOrderShipped AND PartialOrDelayed Checks whether a partial or delayed shipment took place.

The resulting condition is:

SOStatus = Shipped AND (ShippedQuantity < OrderedQuantity OR PromisedShipDateTime < ActualShipdateTime)