Creating and using API flows

The API Flows are used for API Gateway Orchestration. You can define synchronous business flows in which you can chain more APIs, execute conditional logic and expose the whole flow as a new API.

For example, you can model an Inventory check flow or a Price check flow. You can evaluate conditions in the request and invoke different API Gateways to get the data. You can enrich the response by adding more data from additional API Gateways. The final response can be presented back in the client preferred format. Only JSON request body and JSON response are supported by API Gateway Flows.


To create API Flows, you must have modeling authorization in the ION. You must have the security role settings IONDeskAdmin and MingleIONenabled.

Time-out limits

API flows are synchronous end to end. The duration of the flow must be less than the global gateway time-out, which is 5 minutes. For asynchronous requests the time-out limit can be up to 2 hours.

The duration of each individual task must be less than 5 minutes. If a step results in a failure, then the API flow is stopped and a time-out error message is displayed.

Payload Limits

Request and Response payload size for whole API Flow should be less than 10 MB.

Request and Response payload size for individual API task should be less than 5 MB.