Importing and exporting XSLT

On the XSLT Editor tab of the Mapper, you can import XSLT and export XSLT. A basic format check is applied when importing XSLT. Any XSLT that is created outside of the Mapper is assumed to be correct before it is imported. No detailed syntax checks are performed. If the imported file is not a valid XSLT file, a message is displayed and the import is not allowed. When the XSLT is imported, the Modeler tab is disabled. You cannot translate XSLT into a graphical mapping.

Imported XSLT must be related to documents that are registered in the document registry. If documents that are referenced in the XSLT are unavailable in the document registry you cannot perform transformations.

If necessary, to format XSLT code, click Format.

We recommend that you click Validate after importing or editing the XSLT to validate the code. If the validation fails, a message is displayed with the error line that is highlighted in the code editor.

Existing XSLT mappings from previous versions of ION can be imported as a mapping. In that case, the XSLT is regarded as an advanced mapping, because no graphical model is available. The Modeler tab is automatically disabled. You can move from XSLT to a graphical mapping. On the XSLT Editor tab, click Switch to Graphical Mode, that is, click the Refresh icon. This results in the loss of the original XSLT. A new blank graphical mapping is created on the Modeler tab. The graphical mapping is blank because you cannot backwards translate XSLT into a graphical mapping. This does not affect any data flows that are using the original XSLT until the data flow is re-activated.