Viewing matrices


On the Matrices page, a list of tiles is displayed for all matrices in the system. You can use the filter toolbar to filter the list. Use these options:

  • Turn on or turn off the switches to show or hide the active and inactive matrices. By default, both switches are on. Therefore, all matrices in the system are displayed.
  • Select a sub status from the drop-down filter. This applies to the list of matrices resulting for the switch selections. For example: all matrices or only active matrices.

    This table shows the sub statuses you can chose:

    Status Description
    All Show all matrices, with all statuses.
    Approved Show matrices that have been approved and are Active, and that have not been modified since the activation.
    Draft Show these matrices:
    • Matrices that are Inactive.
    • Matrices that are Active but have a newer version in Draft, which has not yet been approved.
    Pending Approval Show matrices that are submitted for approval, but are not approved yet. These matrices can have these statuses:
    • Inactive Pending Approval if the matrix was never approved before
    • Active Pending Approval
    Rejected Show matrices that have been submitted for approval and have been rejected. These matrices can have these statuses:
    • Inactive Rejected if the matrix was never approved before
    • Active Rejected if a previous version of the matrix has been approved before.
  • On the list of matrices that results from the status filtering, you can use a textual filter. The search text is applied to the matrix name, description, or author (Last Updated by) properties. All matrices that contain this string in one of these fields are displayed.