Overview of the condition types and their syntax

These are the condition types:

Any Value
Applies to all data types.
The condition cell remains blank.
The condition evaluates to true for any parameter value.
Parameter Value Comparison
Applies to all data types.
Compare the input parameter value with a constant value specified in the matrix.
Syntax: Parameter Operator Value
Select the operator from a drop-down list with operators specific for the data-type.
The value must be specified or selected and must be a valid value for the data type.
This table shows operators for data types:
Data Type Operator Description
STRING = True if strings match, case-sensitive
<> True if strings do not match, case-sensitive
contains True if the parameter contains the specified string value
notContaining True if the parameter does not contain the specified string value
startsWith True if the parameter starts with the specified string value
notStartingWith True if the parameter does not start with the specified string value
endsWith True if the parameter ends with the specified string value
notEndingWith True if the parameter does not end with the specified string value
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
BOOLEAN <> Does not equal
= Equals
<> Does not equal
HYPERLINK, USER, GROUP, CODE = True if strings match, case-sensitive
<> True if strings do not match, case-sensitive
Parameter Comparison
Applies to all data types.
Compare the input parameter value with another input parameter
Syntax: Parameter Operator Parameter
The operator can be selected from a drop-down list with operators specific for the data-type. The same operators as in the Parameter Value Comparison apply.
Both parameters that are used in the comparison must have the same data type.
Parameter Between Values
Applies to these data types: INTEGER, DECIMAL, DATETIME, DATE.
Compare the input parameter value with a start and end value. The comparison is including the specified values.
Syntax: Parameter BETWEEN start value AND end value
(Translates to ‘start value’ >= ‘column parameter’ <= ‘end value’)
Parameter in Set
Applies to data type: STRING
Compare the input parameter value with a list of constant values, comma separated. The condition evaluates to True if at least one value matches the input parameter value. Comparison is case sensitive.
Syntax: Parameter IN SET [Value1,Value2,Value3,…]
Note: Do not use spaces after the comma.
Parameter not in Set
Applies to data type: STRING

Compare the input parameter value with a list of constant values, comma separated. The condition evaluates to True if none of the specified values matches the input parameter value. Comparison is case sensitive.

Syntax: Parameter NOT IN SET [Value1,Value2,Value3,…]

Note: Do not use spaces after the comma.
Parameter in Codes
Applies to data type: STRING
Compare the input parameter value with a list values selected from a Codelist. The condition evaluates to True if at least one code matches the input parameter value. Comparison is case sensitive.
Syntax: Parameter IN CODES [CodelistName:Value1,Value2,Value3,…]
Parameter not in Codes
Applies to data type: STRING

Compare the input parameter value with a list values selected from a Codelist. The condition evaluates to True if none of the selected codes matches the input parameter value. Comparison is case sensitive.

Syntax: Parameter NOT IN CODES [CodelistName:Value1,Value2,Value3,…]