Implementing a vendor-specific JMS connection factory

  1. Prepare a Java class file that implements the interface exposed by ION.
    For vendors that are supported by ION, an example Java class file called is provided in the \JMSClientBundleWrapper\examples\[Vendor Name] folder. Note that this java class file is provided as a reference. You possibly must modify or extend this reference code depending on the actual deployment conditions of your JMS server setup; for example if a remote queue is used, or other specific configurations.
    For other vendors, you must create a Java class file based on the template that is provided in the \JMSClientBundleWrapper\examples\Others folder.

    This table shows the interface methods that must be implemented:

    Interface method Description
    getVendorIdentityProperties Connection properties required to connect to vendor JMS server required. Username and password are included as standard properties for every JMS vendor. Therefore, you do not have to define these properties in this method.
    getConnectionFactory (Map<String, String> connPropsMap) Builds a connection factory object based on the vendor-specific connection property values defined in the getVendorIdentityProperties method. Values for these properties are specified in ION Desk during the connection point modeling time.

    The connPropsMap parameter specifies the vendor-specific connection property values.

    getQueueMessageCount (Map<String, String> connPropsMap, String[] queueName, Connection conn) Retrieves the number of messages per queue. The numbers are displayed in various number of messages columns in the Active Connection Points screen in the Connect menu in ION Desk.

    The connPropsMap parameter specifies the vendor-specific connection property values.

    The queueName parameter specifies the list of queue names.

    The conn parameter specifies the JMS Connection object.

    getQueueNames (Map<String, String> connPropsMap, Connection conn) This method is not used yet by ION. You can leave this method unimplemented for now. When implemented, this method is used to retrieve the list of queue names.

    The connPropsMap parameter specifies the vendor-specific connection property values.

    The conn parameter specifies the JMS Connection object.

  2. When this Java class file is ready, copy it to the /JMSClientBundleWrapper/OriginalJar folder.