Preparing vendor-specific JMS client Jar files

  1. Ensure that the JMS client libraries of the concerned vendors are available.
    For the vendors who are tested with ION, the table shows which files are required. For other vendors, see the vendor-specific documentation to identify the required client libraries.
    JMS Vendor Client jar files that are required
    IBM WebSphere MQ 7.1

    In the folder [Install Path]/IBM/WebSphere MQ/java/lib/, you can find these jar files:

    7. connector.jar
    8. dhbcore.jar
    Tibco EMS 6.3

    In the folder [Install Path]/ems/6.3/lib/, you can find these jar files:

    1. tibjms.jar
    2. tibjmsadmin.jar
    Tibco EMS 8.2.

    In the folder [Install Path]/ems/6.3/lib/, you can find these jar files:

    1. tibjms.jar
    2. tibjmsadmin.jar
    3. jms-2.0.jar
    4. tibcrypt.jar

      This jar file is only required when you use the SSL option.

    Active MQ 5.15.2

    In the folder <Install Path>/apache-activemq-5.15.2/lib/, you can find these jar files:

    1. activemq-client-5.15.2.jar
    2. hawtbuf-1.11.jar
    Oracle AQ

    In the folder [ORACLE_HOME]\oc4j\rdbms\jlib\, you can find the jar file Aqapi.jar.

    In the folder [ORACLE_HOME]\jdbc\lib, you can find one of these jar files:

    1. ojdbc5.jar
    2. ojdbc6.jar
  2. You cannot use multiple files, such as multiple jar files or a jar file combined with a zip file. In case of multiple files, you must first create a single, flattened, jar file to be used in ION.
    To create a single, flattened, jar file:
    1. Create a temporary directory. For example: C:\temp\JMSClientBundleWrapper\jars.
    2. Place the individual jar files into this directory.
      Use the table to determine which jar files are required for your JMS vendor.
    3. Navigate to the build folder in the extracted location of the JMSClientBundleWrapper.
      For example: C:\temp\JMSClientBundleWrapper\build
    4. Run the runant tool with this command:
      runant flatten<final jar file name> -Djmsclient.jars.dir=<location of individual jars>
      For example: runant flatten"C:\temp\JMSClientBundleWrapper\OriginalJar\Tibcoflatten.jar" -Djmsclient.jars.dir="C:\temp\JMSClientBundleWrapper\jars"
  3. In the example the final jar file is already placed in the folder: JMSClientBundleWrapper\OriginalJar
    If you used another target location in the previous step, then, copy it to this folder: /JMSClientBundleWrapper/OriginalJar