
As mentioned in the File Connection Configuration, there are keywords that can be used where the File Connector creates these new files:

  • Read File: If the Rename option is selected, the new name of the file (New File Name Pattern) can be specified using keywords.
  • Write File: The name that is created by the action (File Name Pattern) and the file path (Write Location) can be specified by using keywords.

The available keywords and in which action configuration they can be used are shown in the this table:

Keyword Description Action : Configuration
accounting_entity The AccountingEntity that is populated in Message Header Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

current_date Current UTC date represented as yyyy-MM-dd. Where:
  • y: year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern

current_datetime Current UTC date time represented as yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss-SSS. Where:
  • y: year
  • M: Month in year
  • d: Day in month
  • H: Hour in day (0-23)
  • m: Minute in hour
  • s: Second in minute
  • S: Millisecond
Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern


The Custom header that is populated in Message Headers. Replace placeholder <<Name>> with the correct custom header name.

Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

document_id Document ID of the BOD that is associated with the File Template that is used in the read or write file action type.

Ensure that document_id is a required field in the corresponding file template. Clear the Optional flag.

Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern

document_name Full document name as defined in ION Registry, for BODs in format: verb_name.noun_name Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

<fieldname> Any field name that is defined in the File Template and used in the read or write file action type.

Ensure that the field is required in the corresponding file template. Clear the Optional flag.

Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern

location_id The Location that is populated in Message Header Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

noun_name The BOD Type that is populated in Extension. Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

original_extension Extension of the file that is read by the Read File action type. The BOD Type that is populated in Message Header.

For Write File action type, this keyword is replaced by the value that is specified in the File Extension attribute, if available. This is the File Extension attribute that is specified in the referenced File Template.

Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern

original_filename File name of the file that is read by the Read File action type without the file extension.

For Write File action type, this keyword is replaced by the value that is specified in the File Name attribute, if available. This is the File Name attribute that is specified in the referenced File Template.

Read: New File Name Pattern

Write: File Name Pattern


The Source that is populated in Message Header.

Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

tenant_id The TenantId that is populated in Message Header which can be used to decide the write location Read: Not applicable

Write: Write Location and File Name Pattern

variation_id The VariationId that is populated in Message Header Read: Not applicable

Write: File Name Pattern

Press Ctrl + Space to view the list of possible keywords. When a keyword is selected, it is displayed between square brackets. For example, to rename a file using the keyword, the New File Name Pattern can be set to: [original_filename][document_id][current_datetime].copy.

The selected File Template configuration affects the list of keywords that are listed for use in these actions:

  • Read File action
    • New File Name Pattern configuration.
  • Write File action
    • File Name Pattern configuration
Details of the different cases are listed in this table:
Keywords original_ filename original_ extenstion document_ id current_ datetime current_ date <fieldname>
No File Template Selected in Connection Point Read/Write action Read File action Read & Write File actions N/A
Text Template Selected - Use Attributes for File Name not selected Read File action Read & Write File actions Read & Write File actions
Text Template Selected - Use Attributes for File Name is selected Read & Write File actions Read & Write File actions Read & Write File actions
Binary Template Selected - Use Attributes for File Name not selected Read File action Read & Write File actions Only Document ID data field applies to Read & Write File actions
Binary Template Selected - Use Attributes for File Name is selected Read & Write File actions Read & Write File actions
Note:  The behavior of the File Connector when handling keywords in file name pattern when writing or renaming files:
  1. If one of the data fields keywords used in the file name pattern is no longer valid then the keyword is literally used in the file name. For example, when the data fields keywords no longer exists in the selected template.
  2. If the element/attribute/header, referenced by a keyword, does not exist in the incoming document, then a blank string is used as the value to replace it.
  3. If the element/attribute/header, referenced by a keyword, exists in the incoming document and is blank. A blank string is the value used to replace the keyword.
  4. If the element/attribute/header, referenced by a keyword, exists in the incoming document and has a value, this value is used to replace the keyword.
  5. If the custom header, referenced by keyword, does not exists, or has a blank value, then the keyword is literally used in the file name.

The behavior of the File Connector when handling keywords in file write location:

  1. Values of all keywords that are defined in the write location are retrieved from the Message Headers and are substituted in place. A confirm BOD is generated if the resulting write location does not match an existing folder unless the option Create non-existing folder(s) is set to true.
  2. A Confirm BOD is generated if keywords that are referenced in the write location have no value in the Message Header. The write action fails, regardless of the option Create non-existing folder(s).