
To specify properties for a document verb:

  1. Start ION Desk.
  2. Click Connect > Connection points.
  3. Click New and select Technology > Message Queue.
  4. Click the Documents tab.
  5. You can instruct ION to use a default read and write queue for all documents, or use a specific read and write queue per document type. To use the default queue, select the Use Default Queue for all documents option. In that case, ION uses the default queue that is defined in the Settings tab.
  6. Select the documents that can be sent or received by the application. The selected documents must match the actual capabilities of the application.
  7. Click Add Document to add a document type.
  8. Select the document and click Add Verbs to add verbs for a document type.
    The documents and verbs are selected from the ION registry.

This table shows the verb you can specify for each document:

Content Description
Write to Queue: The document type must be written to the message queue. If the option, Use Default Queue for all documents is switched off, you can specify a specific queue where to write this document. The incoming messages are delivered to this queue. If you do not specify a specific queue name, the default queue that is defined in the Settings tab is used.
Read from Queue: The document type must be read from the message queue. If the option, Use Default Queue for all documents is switched off, you can specify a specific queue where to retrieve this document. ION polls this queue. Ensure that this queue is unique to this connection point and not used as a read queue in any other connection point. If you do not specify a specific queue name, the default queue that is defined in the Settings tab is used.
JMS Type: An indication of the type of document that is read from or written to the message queue. This is used for the standard JMS header property JMSType, which defines the type of the data that is included in the message. When writing the queue, the JMS Type must be set. The value is used in the JMSType header property when sending the JMS message to the message queue. When reading the queue, the JMS Type is used to determine what type of BOD arrives. The JMSType header property for an incoming message is read and depending on the value a document type is chosen for the BOD message. If the queue is only used for one document type then the JMS Type can be blank. In that case any incoming message results in the specified document type. If multiple document types are read from the queue, the JMS Type must be set. It can be blank for one of the document types.

Until ION 12.0.5, this column had a check box and was called ‘Full BOD’. Now this column is renamed to ‘Content’.

Select one of the available content types:

  • Full BOD: Select this option if the application that is at the other side of the queue is able to send or receive Full BODs. The message queue must contain the complete BOD message. Note: the message that is read from the queue cannot contain any characters that cannot be included in an XML message. When this option is selected, the BOD XML is transported as is to the JMS destination back and forth. This option is automatically selected for those connection points from previous ION environments where the check box for ‘Full BOD’ was selected.
  • XML: Select this option if the JMS message is a valid XML but does not adhere to the Infor BOD XML standards. Note: the message that is read from the queue must not contain any characters that cannot be included in an XML message. This option has an effect only during the scenario of message transfer from ION to an external queue. In this scenario, the data in the noun instance of the BOD is treated as a valid XML. All namespaces that are defined in the XML header element of the incoming BOD are transferred to the root element of the data in the noun instance. If multiple instances of data in the noun section exist, each of them is constructed as a separate JMS message and delivered to the destination queue. A confirm BOD is thrown if the data in the noun instance is not a valid XML.
  • nonXML: This option is automatically selected for those connection points from previous ION environments where the ‘Full BOD’ check box was cleared. Select this option if the JMS message is not an XML but any text. When 'non XML' is selected, the message in the message queue is used as the data in the noun instance of the BOD. For example, if the document is 'MyOrder' and the verb is 'Sync'.

This table shows examples of how the JMS Types are used when reading messages from the queue:

Configuration of Documents BODs created for incoming messages
SyncSalesOrder, JMS Type is not set For any JMS message a SyncSalesOrder BOD is created, independent of the value of the JMSType header property
SyncSalesOrder, JMS Type = "SalesOrder" If the JMSType of the JMS message is "SalesOrder", a SyncSalesOrder BOD is created. Otherwise the incoming message is logged and skipped in the message tracker log file. Set the log level of this file to DEBUG mode while troubleshooting.
SyncSalesOrder, JMS Type = "SalesOrder" SyncMyObject, JMS Type is not set If the JMSType of the JMS message is "SalesOrder", a SyncSalesOrder BOD is created For any other JMSType a SyncMyObject BOD is created
SyncSalesOrder, JMS Type = "SalesOrder" SyncContract, JMS Type = "Contract" If the JMSType of the JMS message is "SalesOrder", a SyncSalesOrder BOD is created. If the JMSType of the JMS message is "Contract" then a SyncContract BOD is created. Otherwise the incoming message is logged in the message tracker log file and skipped. Set the loglevel of this file to DEBUG mode while troubleshooting.

If no messages must be deleted, specify one (generic) received document with a blank JMS Type. Route that document type to an application, database, web service or message queue where you want to handle the unexpected messages.

Click Remove to remove a document or verb. Errors are reported in the Document flow messages pane when:

  • Removing a document or verb that is used in a document flow.
  • Neither default queue is specified nor a specific queue for a document is specified.
  • The same JMS queue is used for reading and writing messages.