Accessing the Enterprise Connector Grid Management UI remotely

When you deploy the Enterprise Connector on a Linux host, this step is required. For a Windows host deployment, this step is optional because you can also open the Grid Management UI locally.

To access the Grid Management UI from a remote browser:

  1. Create a client certificate for authentication:
    1. For Windows, create a copy of this sample script:
      rem Create Grid client certificate for provisioning
      set INSTALLDIR=C:\Program Files\Infor\ION Enterprise Connector
      set CLI=%INSTALLDIR%\tools\grid-cli.jar 
      set CLIENTDIR=C:\Temp
      java -jar "%CLI%" -dir "%INSTALLDIR%" certificate clientCreate 
      -clientname="Grid Management UI access" -keystoreType="PKCS12" 
      -roles="grid-admin" -fileDir="%CLIENTDIR%" -fileName="myclientcert"
      For Linux, create a copy of this sample script:
      #create Grid client certificate for provisioning
      java -jar ${CLI} -dir ${INSTALLDIR} certificate clientCreate 
      -clientname="Grid Management UI access" -keystoreType="PKCS12" 
      -roles="grid-admin" -fileDir=${CLIENTDIR} -fileName="myclientcert"}}
    2. Make these changes to the script:
      • Set INSTALLDIR to the installation folder of Enterprise Connector.
      • Set CLIENTDIR to the folder where you want to create the keystore and password file.
    3. Run the script.
  2. Prepare your browser.
    1. Import the client certificate keystore, generated in the previous step, in your browser keystore. The procedure to do this depends on the browser.
    2. In your browser, open this URL:
      https://<hostname>:<host router https port>/grid/ui/soho
    3. A warning, that the SSL certificate of the Grid is not trusted, is displayed. Accept the exception.