Test data syntax-highlight and pretty-print

When uploading test data of data type string or getting output from running a script, the document's data format is detected. This format is applied to the respective input and output editors.

Data format detection is supported for these types:

  • Conventional JSON
  • Newline-delimited JSON
  • XML

Syntax-highlighting is applied in the editor according to the detected data format type. Click the "..." ellipses above the editor and select the format from drop-down list. The data format in the variable’s editor is shown. If the data format cannot be detected, the selected format in the drop-down list is Text. You can manually change the data format type in the drop-down list.

To apply formatting (pretty-print) on documents, enter the editor and click the "..." ellipses above the editor area. Select Autoformatting from the drop-down list. When formatting is enabled there is a tick next to autoformatting in the drop-down list. Autoformatting is applied on uploaded and output documents. To disable the formatting of the documents, click the "..." ellipses and select Autoformatting from the drop-down list.

Minimap can be shown on the right-side of the editor in the expanded view of variables of type string. To enable the minimap, go to expanded view. Click the "..." ellipses above the editor area and select minimap from the drop-down list. When minimap is enabled there is a tick next to minimap in the drop-down list. By default, the minimap is enabled. To disable the minimap click the "..." ellipses and select minimap from the drop-down list.