Importing codes from CSV

You can import codes from a comma separated values (CSV) file with this structure:

  • The file must use UTF-8 encoding.
  • Use as field delimiter a comma.
  • For record delimiter, use 'end-of-line' character.
  • The file must have these four columns: Code Name, Code Description, Detail Name, Detail Description.
  • Values for the Code Name and Detail Name are required. The Code Description and Detail Description are optional.
  • The Code Name and Code Description are repeated on each row for every Detail Name and Detail Description that belong to the same Code.
  • The field delimiter character (comma) is allowed in the Code Description and Detail Description. In this case, put these description texts between double quotes.
Note: It can take a long time to process a large amount of codes. This can cause issues as the browser time-out limits the available time to 10 minutes. To avoid a time-out we recommend that you use import files with a maximum of 5000 rows for each import action.

To import codes from CSV:

  1. Select Configuration > Codes.
  2. Click Import From CSV.
  3. Select a CSV file from the file system and click OK.
    All Codes in the file are added or merged to the list of ION Codes in these ways:
    1. For each pair Code Name - Code Description and Detail Name - Detail Description, the first value from the import file is used when Codes are added or merged.
    2. If a Code Name and its details already exist with the same values as in the import file, the import of this Code is skipped.
    3. The Code Description for an existing Code Name is updated if the import file contains a different description.
    4. The existing Detail Name - Detail Description pairs for existing Code Names are kept when new Detail Name – Detail Description pairs from the import file are added.
    5. The Detail Description for an existing Detail Name is updated if the import file contains a different description.
    When the import was successful, an overview dialog box is displayed to inform you which Codes were imported, skipped or merged.

    If the import file is not valid, validation errors are reported, and the import is aborted. A partial import is not supported.