OneView documents

You can use OneView Documents if one of your IFS Security Roles has assigned a Desk Profile where the Permission OneView is set to All or View. A user who is authorized to use the OneView Page is by default authorized to All.

OneView access defaults to None for new user roles. If multiple security roles are linked to a single user, resulting in OneView permissions to All, View and None, the All permission prevails.

On the OneView page these permissions are available:

  • All: Full functionality is available.
  • View: You can search.
  • None: The page is hidden.

The Document Content permission:

  • All documents: The user can see all documents and its contents in OneView.
  • User Role managed: The user can see only those documents, tiles or bulbs, and its contents, which they are authorized for according to Infor User Management.

If Document Content is set to User Role managed, the user sees only BODs in OneView. To see the non-BOD documents, update the setting to All documents.

If no security roles are linked to a document, nobody can see those documents.

To set the document content permissions to User Role managed:

  1. Log on to the ION Desk application.
  2. Select Authorizations > Desk Profiles.
  3. Open the details for the profiles that are relevant for the involved security roles.
  4. Expand the permissions tree for OneView.
  5. Set the Document Content permission to User Role managed.
    If multiple security roles are linked to a single user, resulting in Document Content permissions of both All documents and User Role managed the All documents permission prevails.

    OneView Desk Permissions can overwrite the Infor User Management permissions, and API access is always Infor User Management managed.