Attribute comparison with calculation

Use this comparison to compare values of two document attributes that are selected for monitoring. You can compare attributes from the same document or from different documents. The attributes must have the same data type.

Use this type of comparison to allow a specific difference between the two attribute values. For example:

  • A condition evaluates to True if amount A exceeds amount B with at least 100000.
  • A condition evaluates to True if date A is less than 20 days later than date B.

This table shows the syntax of the attribute comparison with calculation condition type:

Syntax [Attribute1][Operator][Attribute2][Operator][Value]
Attribute 1 One of the document attributes selected for monitoring. The attribute can be of type:
  • Integer
  • Decimal
  • Date and Time
Operator Comparison operator; depends on the attribute type.

See Operators in monitor conditions.

Attribute 2 One of the document Attributes selected for monitoring. The attribute is of the same type as Attribute 1.
Operator Arithmetic operator; depends on the attribute type.

See Operators in monitor conditions.

Value A constant value of the same type as the attributes.
Evaluation The value of Attribute 1 is compared with the result of the calculation between Attribute 2 and the specified Value. The evaluation result is True or False.


You build a condition to verify whether the duration of a contract is less than 20 days. In the condition you compare the StartTime and EndTime attributes of the Contract document.

This table shows the condition:

Attribute 1 EndTime
Operator <
Attribute 2 StartTime
Operator +
Value 20 days