Repeating attributes

Some parts of an application document are repeating, which means they exist multiple times. For example, a sales order contains multiple sales order lines. All elements that are included in a repeating component are also repeating. For example, an item code on a sales order line can exist multiple times in a sales order.

If you use repeating attributes in a condition, the condition is met if the application document contains at least one value that meets the condition. For example, you define a rule using this combined condition on a sales order header and sales order line:

OrderHeaderStatus = "Planned" and OrderLineItemType = "Production"

This means: the status of the sales order header is "Planned", and the order has at least one line having item type "Production".

If you use multiple repeating attributes in a condition, the relation between the attributes is taken into account. For example, you define a rule using this combined condition:

OrderLineItemType = "Production" and OrderLineAmount > 100

The condition is only met if an order line exists that meets both conditions. For example, an order has two lines, one having type "Production" but amount 50, and another one having amount 200 but type "Purchase". The condition is not met.