Defining matrix parameters

Business data from application documents is sent to workflow as workflow input parameters. Workflow parameters are mapped to matrix parameters when a matrix is evaluated. The conditions that can be used for a parameter are specific to its data type.

Matrix parameters can be added or edited only when the matrix is created and not approved. After a matrix is activated, its interface, which is composed by the matrix name and its parameters, cannot be changed anymore.

Each parameter that is defined here must be used in one of these ways:

  • As a column name or as a comparison parameter in a matrix condition.
  • For an approval matrix, as a distribution option for “distribute to value from parameter”.
  • For a decision matrix, as a parameter to be set.

You can only remove parameters that are not used in the matrix definition. To remove a parameter that is used, first remove the matrix column or rows where this parameter is used.

To define the matrix parameters

  1. Click the Parameters tab in the right-hand panel.
  2. Click +Add to add parameters to the list. Select one or more parameters and click REMOVE to remove them.
  3. For each parameter, specify this information:
    This name is visible in Workflow when this matrix is used and is used in workflow parameter mapping. The parameter name may have maximum 50 characters.
    Data Type
    Select a parameter type from the list: STRING, INTEGER, DECIMAL, BOOLEAN, DATETIME, DATE, HYPERLINK, USER, GROUP or CODE.
    Comparison condition operators specific to the data type can be used for each parameter. During workflow parameter mapping, only parameters with matching data-types can be mapped.
    This property is applicable only for the data type USER or CODE. See the overview of the supported data types for details.
    Explain the purpose of this parameter. You can use a maximum of 255 characters for the description. The description is visible during workflow parameter mapping.

    This table shows an overview of the supported data types:

    Data Type Properties Examples
    STRING A piece of text of maximum 4000 characters. Used for names, codes, properties or descriptions
    INTEGER A whole numeric value of maximum 10 digits. Used for whole numbers such as age, number of employees
    DECIMAL A decimal numeric value, using a dot as decimal separator. A digit grouping symbol is not supported. Decimal values are not formatted according to the user locale settings. Mostly used for amounts
    BOOLEAN Can be True or False. Used for indicators such as Sellable item
    DATETIME A time and date value. Used for dates, such as last updated date, planned delivery date
    DATE A date value. Time is considered as 12:00 AM. Limited usage in application documents.
    HYPERLINK A string value that represents a hyperlink. The value must start with http://, https:// or ftp:// Mostly used for a website address such as
    USER A string value that represents a user identifier. Optionally, specify as Restriction a distribution group from Infor Ming.le User Management. When a Restriction is specified, only users who are part of the distribution group can be selected. Used to identify a user. A valid identifier is an IFS Person ID of a user.
    GROUP A string value that represents the name of a distribution group from Infor Ming.le User Management. Used to identify a group, such as TEST_USERS
    CODE A string value that represents a code from a Codelist. The Restriction property must be specified for this data type and must contain the name of a Codelist from ION Desk. Used to ensure predefined values from an enumeration are reused consistently.