Details page

This table shows the button bar of the details pages:

Name Type Description
Backnt_ico_backNavigate back.
Savent_ico_saveSave the item. Save is applicable for model pages only.
Refreshnt_ico_refreshRefresh the data from the runtime. Refresh is applicable for manage pages only.
Duplicatent_ico_duplicate Open a copy of each selected item in the modeler.
Export nt_ico_exportExport the item to a file.
Activatent_ico_activateActivate the item, so it is used in the ION Service.
Deactivatent_ico_deactivateDeactivate the item, so it is no longer used in the ION Service. The button is not applicable for already inactive items.
Protect on Export nt_ico_protect_onexport Marks the item to be protected on export.
Do not protect on export nt_ico_donot_protect_onexport Marks the item to not protect on export.
UsageText buttonShow the list of configurations that use the selected item.

Text buttons are available depending on the context, for example: Resume, Pause, Alerts, Triggers, Model. For more details, see the proper sections of this user guide.