Receiving status updates
To receive status updates for tasks:
- Update your application so it can handle incoming SyncPulseTask BODs. The SyncPulseAlert/DataArea/PulseTask/Source element contains the originator of the alert, so you can use this element to ignore BODs that are not relevant for your application.
- Ensure your application is connected to ION. In the connection point, select SyncPulseTask as a document to receive.
- Your application connection point must be used in at least one active document flow. If this is not the case, you can create a specific document flow containing an activity for your application and activate that flow.
For PulseAlert and PulseNotification BODs, the procedure is the same.
The SyncPulseAlert, SyncPulseTask, and SyncPulseNotification BODs include all elements that are relevant for the alert, task, or notification.
For the available elements, see Pulse BOD details.