Workflow BOD details

The definitions of ProcessWorkflow and AcknowledgeWorkflow are available on this site:

This table shows the elements that exist in these documents:



DocumentID/ID Unique identification of the workflow instance in this ION installation.
Status/Code Can have these values:
  • "Initial": the request to start a new workflow instance was performed successfully.
  • "Completed": the workflow instance completed successfully.
  • "Cancelled": the workflow instance was canceled.
  • "Failed": the execution of the workflow instance failed.
Status/Reason Available for Status/Code "Cancelled" or "Failed".
WorkflowDefinitionCode This is the name of the workflow definition as modeled in ION.
Property/NameValue Values of the workflow input and output parameters.

Must match the data type of the parameter.

When included in a ProcessWorkflow with actionCode="Add", these are input parameters.

When included in an AcknowledgeWorkflow with actionCode="Completed", these are output parameters.


The name of the parameter as defined in the workflow model.


One of the pre-defined types that you can map to the workflow parameter types.

These types are supported:

  • IndicatorType
  • NumericType
  • IntegerNumericType
  • StringType
  • DateType
  • DateTimeType

See the table below for an overview of mapping to workflow parameter types.

TreeProperty/TreeNode TreeProperty contains data for a workflow structure.

In the first TreeNode, these attributes are used:

  • ID = 1
  • NodeName = the name of the structure as used in workflow
  • One or more NodeProperty elements with fields from the root of the structure

The first node does not have a ParentID.

TreeProperty/TreeNode/ID The unique identifier for this tree node within the document. It must only be unique within the document.
TreeProperty/TreeNode/ParentID The ID of the node that is the parent of the current node within the tree.
TreeProperty/TreeNode/NodeName Must be identical to the level name from the workflow structure.
TreeProperty/TreeNode/NodeProperty/NameValue Values for the fields from the workflow structure situated on the level corresponding to the current node.
TreeProperty/TreeNode/NodeProperty/ NameValue/@name The name of the field as defined in the workflow structure.
TreeProperty/TreeNode/NodeProperty/ NameValue/@type

The type of the field as defined in the workflow structure. These types are supported:

  • IndicatorType
  • DateType
  • NumericType
  • IntegerNumericType
  • StringType
  • DateTimeType

This table shows all available workflow parameter types and how these types are mapped to the Property types in the Workflow BOD:

Workflow Parameter Type

Property Type


Boolean IndicatorType Represents a true or false value.

Possible values: true, false, 0, 1.

Code StringType The value is expected to be part of the Codes modeled in the Workflow Modeler, but no validation is enforced.
Date DateType The date part of a date/time stamp.
DateTime DateTimeType The date part and time part of a date/time stamp, separated by "T" and ending with Z (is always UTC).
Decimal NumericType A numeric type with a floating precision. The Decimal data type in Workflow corresponds to the double data type and is a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point.
Hyperlink StringType Is displayed as a clickable link in Infor Ming.le.
Integer IntegerNumericType A numeric type that represents a whole number.
String StringType A string value of up to 4000 characters in length.