When to use Activities, Event Management and Workflow

Use the Activities engine to create an alert, notification, or task directly. Your application is fully in control. The application logic decides whether and when to create an alert, notification, or task and defines all aspects such as the data to be included and the user(s) who will receive the item. For tasks, your application also follows up if required when the task is completed.

Use Event Management if alerting is required, but you want to delegate the monitoring to ION. You do not have to change your application; the only requirement is that you publish Sync BODs for the business data owned in your application. You can define rules in ION event monitors. Customers using your application can adapt the rules to their needs or define new rules. ION monitors the BODs published from your application and creates alerts when required.

Use Workflow to model a business process, or allow your customers to model a business process, outside your application. Tasks and notifications are created automatically based on the modeled process. If required, the user interacts with your application based on the tasks that the user receives.

See these topics:

  • How to start workflows from an application.
  • How to create alerts, tasks, or notifications from an application.