Action codes

The verb only indicates the action at a high level. It does not indicate whether a document is created, updated, or deleted. For such details, an action code can be included in the BOD. The action code is an attribute that is part of the verb section.

This table shows action codes for request verbs (except Get):

Action Code Description
Add A new business object instance is created.
Replace A business object is changed and the complete business object is available in the message.
Change A business object is changed and the message only contains the document ID and the changed properties. It is not recommended to use this action code.
DeleteA business object is deleted.

This table shows action codes for the Acknowledge response verb:

Action CodeDescription
AcceptedThe business object was created, changed or deleted in accordance with the Process request.
Modified The business object was created or changed, but the resulting business object differs partly from the requested one.
Rejected The creation, change or deletion was not done.
Note: For Sync the action code is the view of the system of record. That may not match the status of the receiving application. For example, SyncMyDocument with action code ‘Add’ and status ‘Draft’ is sent by application A. But it is not delivered to application B, because of a filter in the document flow. When application A sends SyncMyDocument with action code ‘Replace’ and status ‘Approved, then this will be the first document sent to application B. Application B has to add data, even though the action code is ‘Replace’.