Additional headers

To further describe the message content, you can use these additional message headers:

Instances header is used to store count of object instances in the message. For example:

For a newline-delimited streaming JSON message, it indicates the number of object instances (lines)instances in the stream.

For a Show BOD that includes multiple instances, it indicates the number of instances in the DataArea.


Source header can be used to preserve information about the message source. In case read file action of File Connector is used, the source header is automatically populated with the source file name including file extension.

Source Publication Date

A Source Publication Date header can be used to store the date time as set by the publisher of data. The date time must be as close to the actual message publishing as possible. The header must be provided in this ISO 8601 format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'.


Custom headers can be used to preserve any other type of information that is not covered by other headers. You can use up to three custom headers per document. Each header must have the Custom_ prefix.