Defining a custom object of type JSON

  1. To create an object of type JSON, prepare this folder structure for the import:


    +-- FOLDER: <object name>

    +---- FILE: <object name>.schema.json

    +---- FILE: <object name>.properties.json

  2. To import a ZIP file containing one or more definitions for objects of type JSON, use the Custom Objects page in ION Desk.
    See the Infor ION Desk User Guide.

    These validations are performed upon import:

    • The object name must be unique and must comply to the object naming restrictions mentioned above.
    • If an object with the same name is already registered with another type, the import fails.
    • If an object with the same name is already registered with type JSON, the imported schema overwrites the existing schema.
    • The <object name>.schema.json schema file is validated as follows:
      • There must be only one JSON schema file for a given object name.
      • The schema file must be valid JSON according to JSON schema definition, version draft-06.
      • The schema file must use UTF-8 encoding.
      • The “anyOf” keyword is not allowed.
      • The “oneOf” keyword is supported only to describe a type that can be null.
    • The <object name>.properties.json file is optional and can contain additional metadata properties for the object.

      For information on how to define this file, see Defining additional object metadata properties and Additional properties file.