Dialect properties for DSV objects

. This table shows the dialect properties that are supported for DSV objects.
Dialect property Type Description
separator string The delimiter character that separates the values in a row of data. The value of the separator should be defined as follows for the different delimited file types:
  • Comma-separated (CSV): "separator":","
  • Tab-separated (TSV): "separator":"\t"
  • Pipe-separated (PSV): "separator":"|"

Other separator values are allowed, but these must be single-character separators. For example, double pipes (||) are not supported.


skipLines integer Indicates the number of header rows to skip over at the top of the file before reaching the actual data.


Note: For Compass (Data Lake Services) only, DSV data objects are required to have a single header line containing the column names. skipLines is always assumed to be 1.
headerLine integer Indicates the line number that contains the column headers for the data object. This value must be less than or equal to the value of skipLines.


Note: For Compass (Data Lake Services) only, DSV data objects are required to have a single header line containing the column names. headerLine is always assumed to be 1.
enclosingCharacter string The character that identifies the start and end of a value. If two consecutive enclosing characters are found in a data object, they are interpreted as one, therefore escaping the enclosing character.


The line separator is not specified in the metadata.

These characters are regarded as the end of a line, unless they are placed within enclosing characters:

  • A carriage return
  • A line feed
  • The combination of carriage return and line feed

The last line may or may not have a line separator.

The encoding is not specified in the metadata. It is always assumed to be UTF-8.