Filter overview

  1. To search for a specific view, or set of views, in Data Catalog, use the filter panel on the left side of the page.
    1. Use the search box at the top of the panel to filter by view name.

      By default, views that contain the keyword somewhere in their name are displayed on the page. A drop-down filter with additional options is available to filter for views whose name starts with, ends with, or equals a specified keyword.

    2. Expand the Last updated on section to filter by the date and time the view was last updated.
      Filter options Description
      None No filter for “last updated on” is applied. This is the default selection.
      Today Retrieves the views that were created or updated since midnight on the current day.
      Last Week Retrieves the views that have been created or updated in the past seven days.
      Time Range Use the date fields to specify a time range to use when filtering for views. This option retrieves the objects that are updated between the “Since” date and the “Until” date.
    3. Expand the Last updated by section to filter by the last update user.
  2. Click Search to run the filter.
  3. To reset the filter, click Reset.


When a filter is applied, dismissible tags are displayed at the top of the page. Each selection made in the filter panel is displayed in separate tags. To remove a filter selection, click the x icon in the tag. After removing a tag, the filter runs again to find all views matching the updated filter criteria. To clear the applied filter for all selections, click the Clear All tag.