Sample workflow

This diagram shows a sample workflow to approve purchase requisitions:


This table shows the elements in the workflow:

Type Name Description
Task ITMgrApproval This Task:
  • Is distributed to multiple users:
    • All the users in the distribution list see this Task, but only one user can approve the Task.
    • To let several users or roles approve in a chain, multiple Tasks should be created.
  • Asks these users to approve a requisition.
  • Has various parameters, such as DocumentID, RequesterName, TotalAmount.

These custom action buttons are defined:

  • Approve
  • Reject
Decision N/a A condition is linked to this element. This condition checks whether the requisition was approved in the previous step and the amount is high enough to ask the director to approve the requisition: ApproveResult=Approve and Amount > $ 1,000

If the condition is true, that is, if the requisition was approved and the amount is more than $1,000, the workflow follows the Yes branch.

If the condition is false, that is, if the requisition was rejected or the amount is less than or equal to $ 1,000, the workflow follows the No branch.

Task PurMgrApproval This Task is distributed to the PurchasingManager group. The PurchasingManager is asked to approve the requisition.
Parameter DocumentID, TotalAmount, ApproveResult, RequesterName These parameters are used in the Decision and Task elements in the workflow. The ApproveResult is output for this workflow.