Compare data flows and workflows

In ION, workflows can be defined and executed. Data flows and workflows use a comparable diagramming technique. Some significant differences exist between them. The main differences are listed in this table.
Workflows Data flows
Focus is on user tasks. Tasks are distributed to users through Infor Ming.le. Focus is on routing of documents. Applications are integrated automatically without user intervention
The process is managed by ION. The workflow controls which tasks are created and monitors the task status. ION only delivers the documents. The data flow is event-driven; ION is passive, waiting for the next event to be published by an application. The ION data flow does not trigger events or actions in applications.
The amount of data that is handled in the workflow is limited to the workflow parameters and structures. The documents to be delivered can be complex.
Applications can trigger a workflow by sending a Process. Workflow BOD can receive an Acknowledge Workflow BOD. Applications communicate with data flow using documents.

For more information about modeling workflows that involve user tasks, see Workflow.

1. Business flow to handle requisitions

This diagram shows a flow to handle requisitions. A request for some goods is translated to a purchase order that is handled by a materials management application.


When the requisition application publishes a ProcessRequisition, ION delivers it to the ERP application. Because ION Connect is event-driven, it does not force the ERP system to create a purchase order. It delivers the request for a new requisition and then waits for the next event to happen. When the ERP system publishes a SyncPurchaseOrder, that document is delivered to the MaterialsManagement application.

ION automatically handles reply BODs. In this case, when the ERP system sends out an AcknowledgeRequisition in reply to the ProcessRequisition, that document is delivered to the Requisition application.

2. Business flow to load orders

The diagram shows a flow to retrieve new or changed sales orders from a database and send them to an Infor ERP application. If the structure of the sales orders in the database differs from the standard SalesOrder BOD, a mapping activity is added to translate the custom sales order data into a standard SalesOrder BOD.


ION is event-driven and a database connection point is passive. Therefore, a schedule is used in ION to regularly read the data from the database.

3. Data Lake Flow to load historical Sales Orders

The diagram shows a flow to ingest the historical Sales Order into Data Lake.


After the message is delivered to ION, the message is sent into Data Lake.