Specifying Input parameters
Click the Input
parametersUpdated per jira ION-7907, is
10/28/2021 tab.
All input parameters/variables are shown.
For each listed parameter select an Input parameter from the drop-down list
with these options:
- None
- No input parameters are sent.
- Input document Content
- Updated per jira ION-7907, isCan be selected only for parameters/variables with String or Binary data types.
- Input document Headers
You can only select this parameter for parameters/variables with String data type.
Input document headers are sent in a form of name value pairs inside of an JSON structure. See the format example.
- Value
When Value is selected, define the constant value in the Value column.
You cannot select this parameter for parameters and variables with a Binary data type.
You must at least select one input Parameter, do not leave this blank.
This is an example of a format of message headers in JSON:
{ "documentName" : "<string>", "messageId" : "<string>", "fromLogicalId" : "<string>", "toLogicalId" : "<string>", "tenantId" : "<string>", "accountingEntity" : "<string>", "location" : "<string>", "documentId" : "<string>", "variationId" : <long>, "revisionId" : "<string>", "batchId" : "<string>", "batchSequence" : <long>, "batchSize" : <long>, "batchRevision" : <long>, "batchAbortIndicator" : <boolean[true, false]>, "instances" : <long>, "source" : "<string>", "custom_<anyUnqValue>": "<string>" }