Adding a Filter step

When you work on a Professional and Enterprise level you can create a Yes or No decision filter in the API call that is based on parameters and conditions set by the user. With this Yes or No format you can add a step to the API call that terminates a task to filter out certain results.

To add a filter to the API call:

  1. Drag and drop the filter step into the API flow from the Filter icon.
  2. On the Filter Parameters tab, set your filter parameters for the information to filter.
  3. On the Conditions tab, set the conditions under which the filter generates a Yes or No result.
    For example, ($.price > 1000) {‘No’}. This condition filters the output by price. If the price is greater than 1000, then those results are filtered out of the output.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Test the API call.